
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Everybody hates Jindal's plan

Even LABI hates it.

Last November the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) met to approve the Program of Work for 2013, the collection of all policy positions of the organization. The top section of that document contains three principal goals for the year. The first principal goal reads as follows: “Tax increases on businesses and investments in a slow economy are a recipe for disaster. In order to maximize chances for recovery, LABI will oppose any proposal that increases or has the effect of increasing the tax burden on business.” That policy has been in the organization’s Program of Work in some form or fashion for decades. It isn’t new. LABI applied it against tax proposals of both Democratic and Republican governors for years. A tax increase approaching a half-billion dollars levied on the business community at large definitely flies in the face of that principal goal of the organization for 2013.

LABI’s policy is clear: If the tax swap proposal is introduced as a net increase in business taxes or is amended during the legislative process to take that form, LABI will oppose it.
Via @Clancygambit

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